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The Problems Summary Area includes the following elements:

Problems Summary Table ToolbarEnables viewing the table in flat or hierachical hierachic view
Problems Summary Table

Presents detailed information of the data displayed in the Problems graph. For each member (Folders and Logs/Application/Server), a summary of the analysis is displayed (each relevant to the specified time frame)

Server Metrics
Search and Navigation BarThe problem type; can be Predefined, Autodetected, Statistical, or MetricsLogs EventsThe number of occurrences of this problemLogs



The severity assigned to this problem


Search in XpoSearch button; clicking this button enables searching for the event in the log.


Customize the Problem Severity button; clicking this button enables the user to change the problem severity, or exclude the problem from the analysis.

Summary Table Toolbar

The Problems Summary Table Toolbar includes the following button:

Image AddedView Parent button; this button appears in the toolbar after performing a drilldown on a folder/log/application/server. Enables viewing the analytics before the drilldown.
Image AddedFlat View button; presents the list of logs without their hierarchical context.
Image Added

Hierarchic View button (default); presents the folders/logs/applications/servers under their hierarchical context, i.e. parent folder/application/server on the top view with drilldown options.

Problems Summary Table

The Problems Summary Table includes the following columns:

NameThe source The name of the folder/log/application/server that contains the problem, for which the summary of the analysis is displayed (for the specified time frame). Clicking the name drills down to view the analysis for this member only, and its submembers (same as the Drilldown button). 
Logs Status

A short description of the problemPresents the maximal severity problem that was found for this folder/log/application/server

Server MetricsThe problem type; can be Predefined, Autodetected, Statistical, or MetricsCPU, Memory, and Disk metrics for this folder/log/application/server
Logs Events

The total number of occurrences of this problemlog events for this folder/log/application/server

Logs Problems

The severity assigned to this problem


total number of log problems for this folder/log/application/server

 Predefined The number of predefined problems for this folder/log/application/server
 Autodetected The number of automatically detected problems for this folder/log/application/server
 % of Problems  The percentage of the total number of problems currently presented in the console

Search in XpoSearch button; clicking this button enables searching for the event in the log.

Image Removed

Customize the Problem Severity button; clicking this button enables the user to change the problem severity, or exclude the problem from the analysisUnselect/Select toggle button; Clicking this button removes this folder/log/application/server's analysis from the Problems graph. Clicking this button again displays it.

Image Added

Drilldown button; Clicking this button drills down to view the analysis for this folder/log/application/server only and its submembers (same as clicking the name).

Search and Navigation Bar

The Search and Navigation Bar includes the following elements:

Image AddedSearch button; Runs a search for a specific term (error code, exception, user, and more) in Analytics under the current time frame; Analytics refreshes itself with the search results.

The table presents the analysis of 10 folders/logs/applications/servers per page. If there are more than 10  folders/logs/applications/servers, you can use the paging to navigate through the entire list.