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Displays a search result table showing a count of log events matching a given simple/complex Search query, grouped by log, application, or server; gadget has a View in Search link that can be clicked to navigate to the Search Console to perform a drill-down.

To add a Table Gadget:
  1. In Title, type a name for the gadget.
  2. In Search Query, type the search query to run, based on the XpoSearch Search simple/complex search  syntax.
  3. In Display Columns, type the names of the columns to be displayed separated by commas, or leave blank to display all columns.
  4. In Time Range, select the time frame following which the gadget display is to be refreshed.
  5. In Max Number of Events, select the maximum number of events to be returned.

  6. Click the Save button.
    The gadget is saved in the dashboard.