The syntax which is used in the search queries is [XI:INPUT_KEY] - this value will be replaced by XpoLog when a user makes a selection in the inputs forms and clicks Apply, INPUT_KEY stands for the input key configured in the dashboard settings inputs section.
For example:
In the dashboard settings create a Granularity input with a key 'interval'. Set it as a list of static values (1 second, 1 minute, 1 hour (default), etc.) and save:
In the dashboard itself you will see a drop down menu with the values of the Granularity input (with the default selected).
Note, at this point the widget will not react to selections made on the input as the input key is not combined with the search query yet:Edit the widget and combine the interval XpoLog Input as part of the query and save:
* | count | interval [XI:interval] | display count as events over time
Notice the [XI:interval] which will be used when a selection of the input's value will be made.
A selection of Granularity 'Minutes' and applying will display a different view of the widget: