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The LogSync task enables synchronizing a single or multiple logs directories from remote XpoLog to another XpoLog, and automating their execution using a scheduler. This feature should be used when you want to create an image of a directory or multiple directories content (logs and/or binaries) on another XpoLog.


  1. Execute - Run the task.
  2. Edit - Edit the task.
  3. Duplicate - Duplicate the task.
  4. Delete - Delete the task.
  5. Force Log Sync (All) - Force the LogSync task to re-sync all files that were deleted from the repository but still exist on the remote sources related to this task. The re-sync will take place during the next task execution.
  6. Force Log Sync (Checksum mismatch) - Force the LogSync task to re-sync only files that a checksum mismatch was found between repository to source. The re-sync of these files will take place during the next task execution.
  7. Reconstruct Configuration (displayed only if 'Create Configuration' is defined in the task) - Force the LogSync task to re-create missing Folders and Logs configuration, based on the structure of the repository. The reconstruction will take place during the next task execution.
  • In case you are running XpoLog cluster with more than one processor, an option will be presented to determine which of the processors is assigned on the execution of the LogSync task.


<SyncLogsRepository repositoryDirectory="C:\xplgshare\logSyncTest" timeToKeep="7" />
<SyncLogsNode repositoryDirectory="profiler">
<Account classKey="" name="XPOLOG Profiler"/>
<SyncLogsDirectory syncDirectory="C:\logSyncTest" directoriesToInclude="" directoriesToExclude="" filesToInclude="" filesToExclude="" subdirsScanLevel="">
<SyncLogsDirectory syncDirectory="C:\logSyncTest\zip3">
<SyncLogsNode repositoryDirectory="2" key="MY_KEY">
<Account classKey="" name="XPOLOG Profiler"/>
<SyncLogsDirectory syncDirectory="C:\logSyncTest\logs\Zip1" directoriesToInclude="" directoriesToExclude="" filesToInclude="" filesToExclude="" subdirsScanLevel="">


  The following table describes the general structure of SyncLogsConfiguration. 

Tag PathMandatory/OptionalDescription
SyncLogsConfiguration/SyncLogsRepository MandatoryThe repository tag
SyncLogsConfiguration/SyncLogsNode MandatoryA single log synchronizatoin node configuration
SyncLogsConfiguration/SyncLogsNode/RemoteMandatoryContains the Remote XpoLog Account details to which with the directories will be synched.
SyncLogsConfiguration/SyncLogsNode/Remote/AccountMandatoryMandatory as XpoLog should connect to a Remote XpoLog server (See: Creating an Account)
SyncLogsConfiguration/SyncLogsNode/SyncLogsDirectoryMandatoryConfigure the remote path to synch with the local XpoLog


repositoryDirectory Mandatory

The name of the local root folder that will be synced with he the content of the remote sync log directories.



OptionalTime to keep the synched data on the repositoryString


repositoryDirectory Mandatory

The name of the folder within the repository to which remote directory from this node will be synced into

 String - path
keyOptionalThe SyncLogNode unique key 


<SyncLogsNode repositoryDirectory="profiler">


<SyncLogsRepository repositoryDirectory="/home/LOGS_REPOSITORY/" timeToKeep="7" />
<Checksum interval="2m" algorithm="MD5" mailRecipients="" enabled="true" retryAttempts="1" />
<SyncLogsNode repositoryDirectory="Tent">
<Account classKey="" name="Tent"/>
<SyncLogsDirectory syncDirectory="C:\configurations\4.5_Build\log\" directoriesToInclude="regexp:\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d" directoriesToExclude="*temp*" filesToInclude="" filesToExclude="" subdirsScanLevel="">
<SyncLogsNode repositoryDirectory="RedHat">
<Account classKey="" name="RedHat"/>
<Checksum interval="2m" algorithm="SHA-1" mailRecipients="" enabled="true" retryAttempts="1" />
<SyncLogsDirectory repositoryDirectory="xpolog-logs" syncDirectory="/root/xpolog45/log" directoriesToInclude="" directoriesToExclude="" filesToInclude="" filesToExclude="" subdirsScanLevel="">
<SyncLogsDirectory repositoryDirectory="OS-logs" syncDirectory="/var/log/" directoriesToInclude="" directoriesToExclude="" filesToInclude="" filesToExclude="" subdirsScanLevel="" timeInterval="1" timeIntervalUnit="days" >


Configuration Parameters on synchronized Logs


<SyncLogsRepository repositoryDirectory="/home/LOGS_REPOSITORY/" timeToKeep="7" />
<Checksum interval="2m" algorithm="MD5" mailRecipients="" enabled="true" retryAttempts="1" />
<Account classKey="" name="Remote XpoLog Master1"/>
<Account classKey="" name="Remote XpoLog Master2"/>
<SyncLogsNode repositoryDirectory="Agent 1">
<Account classKey="" name="Agent 1"/>
<SyncLogsDirectory syncDirectory="C:\logs\" directoriesToInclude="" directoriesToExclude="dump" filesToInclude="" filesToExclude="" subdirsScanLevel="">


  • It is also possible to define the <ProxyRemote> inside an individual <SynchLogNode>:
    The following example will synchronize logs from the directory 'C:\logs\' on the 'Agent 1' machine, where 'Agent 1' is not a direct agent of the current XpoLog, but an agent connected to 'Remote XpoLog Master1' and 'Remote XpoLog Master2'. In addition, it will synchronize logs from the directory '/root/xpolog45/log' on the 'Agent 2' machine, where 'Agent 2' is a direct agent of the current XpoLog (no proxy has been defined for it):

<SyncLogsRepository repositoryDirectory="/home/LOGS_REPOSITORY/" timeToKeep="7" />
<Checksum interval="2m" algorithm="MD5" mailRecipients="" enabled="true" retryAttempts="1" />
<SyncLogsNode repositoryDirectory="Agent 1">
<Account classKey="" name="Remote XpoLog Master1"/>
<Account classKey="" name="Remote XpoLog Master2"/>
<Account classKey="" name="Agent 1"/>
<SyncLogsDirectory syncDirectory="C:\logs\" directoriesToInclude="" directoriesToExclude="dump" filesToInclude="" filesToExclude="" subdirsScanLevel="">
<SyncLogsNode repositoryDirectory="Agent 2">
<Account classKey="" name="Agent 2"/>
<SyncLogsDirectory repositoryDirectory="xpolog-logs" syncDirectory="/root/xpolog45/log" directoriesToInclude="" directoriesToExclude="" filesToInclude="" filesToExclude="" subdirsScanLevel="">