Note: Hovering over a measurement point displays a table for a single source of problems, unless the measurement point is the same for more than one problem source, in which case the table shows the problem distribution for all the problem sources passing through that point.
To display your graph in Split View:
- In the Graph Toolbar, click the Split View button.
To display your graph in Summary View:
can search in the log for any problem that is detected by Analytics as one of the ten most severe problems, by zooming into the XpoSearch search engine from any problem in the Most Severe Problems table. If XpoSearch finds the problem, it displays it in the search results area, and the Analytics engine highlights the priority accordingly.
To search for a most severe problem in XpoSearch:
- In the Most Severe Problems Table, click the problem or click the Search in XpoSearch button at the end of the row of the problem.
XpoSearch opens, running a search for the problem in the log events. The problem text is highlighted in the events of the log.