The definition screen of gadgets widgets may slightly change based on the gadget widget type that was selected, however the principles of the definition are similar.
Below is an example of a 3D Pie Chart gadget widget definition screen that details the required information for generating the result:
Title - enter a title for the
Search Query - enter the simple / complex search query that will be used by this
By default, the widget inherits its parent App and Dashboard sources. Select the 'Override Application/Dashboard Sources' if you wish to set specific sources to the widget and ignore its parent's sources.Group By - the result will be aggregated based on this selection (this option is disabled if entering a complex search query)
Time Range - the time range that this
gadgetwidget will
generatesgenerate its result on (by default
gadgetswidgets inherit their parent dashboard's time range definition)
Max Number of Results - specify the max number of results to be displayed
More Settings
Pie Type - specify the pie type (in case of a pie - regular pie, donut or semi circle donut)
3D - specify if the selected type should be presented in 3D or 2D
Note: at any given time it is possible to click the 'Change gadget widget type' and select a different type using the used definitions.
Results Example: