1. General system optimizations and bug fixes.
2. XpoLog Manager
Automatic integrations (plugins):
Kafka plugin.
Azure Office 365 plugin.
AWS Cloud Trails plugin.
JAVA update to version 1.8.0_231
Sources assignment for logs.
Monitors details auditing - executions, alerts and risks.
Advanced Data Forwarding - forward data from XpoLog to external sources in Syslog, HTTP/S, CEF format and more.
Dynamic labels - dynamically assign labels on log sources based on log / folder / source server.
3. XpoLog Search
New: Anomaly detection function (autonomous analytics to identify patterns and abnormal values behavior).
New: Analytics function (automated insights based on ML and Deep Text Inspection) on demand.
New: Monitors functions (query monitors behaviour/risk/alerts/execution).
4. XpoLog Apps
New Marketplace applications
New widgets:
Sankey (flow diagram in which the width of the arrows is proportional to the flow rate).
Monitors (automatically displays monitors executions and statuses over time).
Alerts (automatically displays monitors alerts and risks over time).
widget override sources option.
Drill down from
widgets opens in new browser tab and cached.
5. Fixes
Folders and Logs management console (support of 20K+ items).
Monitors management console (support of 20K+ items).
Log viewer date panel UI fix.
PDF exports of containers (highlights and trends).
Passwords encryption enhancement.