Users Inputs provide an interface for users to supply values that effect gadgets widget search terms and displayed results based on their selection. Typically, the inputs are displayed in a checkbox, text area, dropdown menus or radio buttons.
In the User Inputs section, Administrators define the list of Inputs to be available while viewing a dashboard. Each input has several settings
General Settings:
- Input Key - The key is the unique identifier of an input in which is used in the underlying search within a gadgetwidget. Upon selection of a value in the input form in the dashboard, the selected value will be integrated in the query or queries that contains this key
Input Settings:
- Input Type:
Default Value - The value that will be used by default (leave empty for empty default)
Placeholder - Text that will be displayed within the input text area to imply the user what the optional values are
Multiple Selection - Determines whether it is possible to select more than one value of the list or not
Show as Drop Down - Determines whether the list should be display an horizontal values list or as a dropdown menu
List Type - Determines the type of list of this input:
Static - A static list of values entered by the administrator
Query Based - A dynamic list which is a result of a search query
Sources Based - A dynamic list of sources available in XpoLog (Logs, Folders, AppTags, Servers)
Predefined - Upload a key=value type of file which contains a list of values that will be displayed in the input
Checked by Default - Allow a true/false type of input
Checkbox Label - The label to be displayed next to the checkbox
After completing the configuration and saving it, the configured inputs will be displayed at the upper part of the dashboard. However, using the inputs will have no effect at this point until the second part of configuring the gadgets widgets underlying searches to use the inputs is completed.