fields: {apptags: "<APPTAG_1,APPTAG_2,APPTAG_N>",app: "<FOLDER_NAME>", logname: "<LOG_NAME>", filename: beat.source <HOST_NAME>}
# fields - apptags - the apptags that this log (s) will be tagged to in XpoLog - there can be more than one tag comma separated. app
# app - the folder in the Folders and Logs that this log(s) will be placed
# logname - the logname in XpoLog
# logname - the host name were the log of is originated from
# To add more than one log create another set of properties for the additional log
#fields: {apptags: "App1,NJ<APPTAG_NAME>",app: "App1<FOLDER_NAME>", logname: "App1_LOG_NAME_2"<LOG_NAME>", filename: <HOST_NAME>}