


Displays a flow of correlated events from a single or multiple log sources.



Required Arguments

Each step is represented by the following 3 arguments:

STEP_I_QUERY = a search query that isolate all relevant events of a transaction step

CORRELATION_I_ID = the log field which is used to correlate an event of a step and the next step's event(s)

STEP_I_NAME = the name of the transaction step that will be presented in the results


Optional Arguments

Transaction Time / STEP_NAME->STEP_NAME Time (calculates the time of a transaction or between 2 steps of the transaction)

transaction eventscount / STEP_NAME eventscount (calculates the events count of a transaction / step of the transaction)

limit time to X minutes/hours (limits the maximal time allowed from first event to last event in a given transaction - only events within the time limitation will be correlated)

use unique key (events used to open a transaction with the same key will be joined to the same transaction)

transaction fullstate = OPEN/CLOSE/PARTIAL CLOSE (OPEN = transactions the don't contain the closing events, CLOSE = transactions that contain closing events, TIME CLOSE = transaction which were closed because of a time limitation specified by "limit time to X hours" or closing events but missing some events internally)


Shows the un-formatted amount of time between the first and last event in a group. Should be formatted and displayed in time format.

Note: By default, the Search colors matching events, step(s) which could not be correlated will be grayed. The time of each specific transaction (marked in green = faster or equals to the average time, marked in red = slower than the average time) and the time taken between each two transaction steps is presented on the mapped transactions. 

To see a transaction's events, click the 'Show All Events' link.




Example 1:  

* in log.ORDER_FLOW | transaction ("requesting","TXID","Request"->"authorized","TXID","Authorization"->"dispensing","TXID","Dispense"->"readytransaction","TXID","Ready"->"end of","TXID","Completed")

Displays the correlated transaction from the log ORDER_FLOW based on the correlation ID (log field) - TXID.

Example 2:  

* in log.LOG_1, LOG_2, LOG_3 | transaction ("start transaction in log.LOG_1","TXID","Start"->"processing transaction in log.LOG_2","TXID","Processing"->"transaction completed in log.LOG_3","TXID","End")

Displays the correlated transaction from the logs LOG_1, LOG_2, LOG_3 based on the correlation IDs (log fields) - TXID.

Example 3:  

* in log.ORDER_FLOW | transaction ("requesting","TXID","Request"->"authorized","TXID","Authorization"->"dispensing","TXID","Dispense"->"readytransaction","TXID","Ready"->"end of","TXID","Completed") | avg transaction Time, max transaction Time, min transaction Time | display avg as Average Tx Time in time format, min as Fastest Tx Time in time format, max as Slowest Tx Time in time format

Displays the average, minimum and maximum transaction time.

Example 4:  

* in log.ORDER_FLOW | transaction ("requesting","TXID","Request"->"authorized","TXID","Authorization"->"dispensing","TXID","Dispense"->"readytransaction","TXID","Ready"->"end of","TXID","Completed") | count | interval 5 minute | show count as Transactions Over Time

Displays the number of transactions that were correlated in 5 minutes time bucketing.

Example 5:  

* in log.ORDER_FLOW | transaction ("requesting","TXID","Request"->"authorized","TXID","Authorization"->"dispensing","TXID","Dispense"->"readytransaction","TXID","Ready"->"end of","TXID","Completed") | where transaction time > 500 | order by transaction time desc

Displays all transactions that their total time to be completed took more than 500 milliseconds (result will be sorted in a descending order).

Example 6:  

* in log.ORDER_FLOW | transaction ("requesting","TXID","Request"->"authorized","TXID","Authorization"->"dispensing","TXID","Dispense"->"readytransaction","TXID","Ready"->"end of","TXID","Completed") | avg request->authorization time, max request->authorization time, min request->authorization time | display avg as Average Request>Authorization in time format, max as Slowest Request>Authorization in time format, min as Fastest Request>Authorization in time format

Displays the average, minimum and maximum time of the time taken between the transaction's steps Request to Authorization.

Example 7:  

* in log.ORDER_FLOW | transaction ("requesting","TXID","Request"->"authorized","TXID","Authorization"->"dispensing","TXID","Dispense"->"readytransaction","TXID","Ready"->"end of","TXID","Completed") | where transaction contains exception

Displays only transactions that contain exception in one or more of it's log events.

Example 8:  

* in log.ORDER_FLOW | transaction ("requesting","TXID","Request"->"authorized","TXID","Authorization"->"dispensing","TXID","Dispense"->"readytransaction","TXID","Ready"->"end of","TXID","Completed") | avg authorization eventscount

Displays the average number of events in the 'Authorization' transaction step.

Example 9:  

* in log.ops | transaction ("start","TXID_1+TXID_2","Start"->"end","TXID_1+TXID_2","End")

Displays transactions which were correlated by using a combination of 2 log fields TXID_1 and TXID_2.

Example 10: 

* in log.ORDER_FLOW | transaction ("requesting","TXID","Request"->"end of","TXID","Completed") use unique key

Displays the correlated transaction from the log ORDER_FLOW based on the correlation ID (log field) - TXID (events used to open a transaction with the same key will be joined to the same transaction).

Example 11: 

* in log.ORDER_FLOW | transaction ("requesting","TXID","Request"->"end of","TXID","Completed") limit time to 10 minutes

Displays the correlated transaction from the log ORDER_FLOW based on the correlation ID (log field) - transactions that are not closed within 10 minutes will be considered as TIME CLOSED and not CLOSED