Log Viewer

Log Viewer

Any log that has been added to XpoLog (local, remote Windows machine, remote UNIX machine, database tables, remote XpoLog instances, ETC.) can be viewed, searched, tailed and more in the Log Viewer in realtime.

Once a log is mapped to XpoLog, double click it from the Folders and Logs console to open it in the Log Viewer console.

In the Log Viewer, you can open, view, and investigate multiple logs from multiple remote data sources in different tabs, for an enhanced view of several logs.

To view multiple log sources in a single screen you should use the XPLG Search. The Log Viewer is a dedicated view per log source in your browser. You can specify the number of log records that are displayed in the Log Viewer, and can then easily and conveniently browse through the log using the toolbar buttons, to navigate to the next page, previous page, end of log, or beginning of log.

You can also use the Search and Quick Filter features to perform fast searches and quick filters on the log, using specific terms, different time ranges, and more.

While a log is displayed in the Log Viewer, use the Filter, and Time Panel for quick filtering, or changing the displayed time frame. Clicking on 'Reset Filters' to get back to a non-filtered view.
Note that the viewer  is not limited to the size of the logs but displays a selected number of records per screen, use the navigation buttons to got to the next/previous page of records or  the beginning/end of the log.


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