Adding a Google Map

Adding a Google Map

Displays a Geo IP map of the result of a given search based on Google Maps, grouped by countries or cities; used to find the city or country of an IP address in a log record; widget has a View in Search link that can be clicked to navigate to the Search Console to perform a drill-down.

To add a Google Map widget:
  1. In Title, type a name for the widget.

  2. In Search Query, type the search query to run, based on the Search simple/complex search syntax.

  3. In Time Range, select the time frame following which the widget display is to be refreshed.

  4. In Group Type, select the type of chart to be displayed: Countries or Cities.

  5. If available, click on More Settings in order to specify specific visualization options for this widget:

    1. Map Center - by Data or by Specific location (determines the initial view when first loaded).

    2. Visualization - type of visualization to be displayed in the widget.

    3. Set Color Theme - Heat Map style based on value, or one color.

    4. Set Color Labeling Theme - 2 colors / 3 colors and distribution of the results in the Map.

  6. Click the Save button.
    The widget is saved in the dashboard.

Note: Google Maps require internet connection - view and export by users requires connection only on the client side, scheduled export requires connection from the server.

Result Examples:

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