Adding a Google Map
Displays a Geo IP map of the result of a given search based on Google Maps, grouped by countries or cities; used to find the city or country of an IP address in a log record; widget has a View in Search link that can be clicked to navigate to the Search Console to perform a drill-down.
To add a Google Map widget:
In Title, type a name for the widget.
In Search Query, type the search query to run, based on the Search simple/complex search syntax.
In Time Range, select the time frame following which the widget display is to be refreshed.
In Group Type, select the type of chart to be displayed: Countries or Cities.
If available, click on More Settings in order to specify specific visualization options for this widget:
Map Center - by Data or by Specific location (determines the initial view when first loaded).
Visualization - type of visualization to be displayed in the widget.
Set Color Theme - Heat Map style based on value, or one color.
Set Color Labeling Theme - 2 colors / 3 colors and distribution of the results in the Map.
Click the Save button.
The widget is saved in the dashboard.
Note: Google Maps require internet connection - view and export by users requires connection only on the client side, scheduled export requires connection from the server.
Result Examples: