Creating a pattern using a System Pattern Wizard
You can use System Pattern(beta) to apply a predefined known pattern that matches the system type of the log or use the configuration file of the system log and XpoLog will translate the configuration file to a matching log pattern. The system pattern includes the log type(s) and the field type(s) related with the system log. These log type(s) and the field type(s) are recognized by the out of the box matching application.
To create a pattern based on the system pattern wizard:
In the central pane, under the Select System/Log Type, use the dialog box to search for the requested system of the data or scroll down to find the requested system of the data.
Click on the icon of the requested system data.
The System's tool bar opens.
To choose the relevant type:In Version, if available, select the version of the system.
In Sub System, if available, select the sub type of the system.
In Log, select the type of the log. System pattern translator opens.
In case the chosen log has a predefined pattern, the translator immediately provides a matching pattern for the log. Otherwise XpoLog expects to receive a configuration file for the log. In the center pane dialog box type the raw pattern from the config file. The translator provides a matching pattern for the log.
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