Update Your XPLG Environment via Command Line

Update Your XPLG Environment via Command Line


  1. On the server that is used to run the command line - make sure there's JAVA available (run 'java -version' for verification).

  2. Make sure that there's HTTP/S access from the server that is used to run the command line to all XPLG instances.

Upgrade Prerequisites

  • This patch requires Java 1.8. Go to the System Status Console at PORTX > System > System Health and check the 'Java Version' under the 'System Information' section.

  • Ensure you have a valid V7 license. Go to PORTX > Settings > License to verify. Contact us for additional information.

  • Linux: In case you are running XPLG as a service, it is recommended to follow these steps:

    • Stop XPLG services (on each server)

    • Run each XPLG process from its installation directory manually (cd INSTALL_DIR → sh runXpoLog.sh start)

    • At the end of the update/validation, stop each XPLG process from its installation directory manually (cd INSTALL_DIR → sh runXpoLog.sh stop)

    • Run XPLG services (on each server)

  • Load Balancer usage: In case you are using a load balancer in-front of XPLG servers, it is recommended to deploy the update by a direct browsing to one of the XPLG nodes (it has no impact which cluster node), and then publish the patch to the cluster.


Upgrade Procedure

  1. Download the latest update from - XPLG 7 Update Patch (save it - do not extract).

  2. Download the upgrade configuration files - CLI update package

  3. Create a directory and copy the patch zip file (clause #1) and the configuration file CLI_Update.zip (clause #2) into it.

  4. Extract the CLI_Update.zip  file.

  5. The package contains one script for Windows deployments (applyPatch.bat) and one for Linux deployments (applyPatch.sh):
    Edit the correct file based on your environment (applyPatch.sh for Linux and applyPatch.bat for Windows) - the file contains all the configuration commands which will be executed in order to upgrade the environment (see the READ_ME for details about the parameters). 
    Replace all the relevant placeholders with the correct details of your environment.

  6. Execute the applyPatch.sh / applyPatch.bat script.

  7. Verify at PortX > System > About that the update is listed and the installed version is updated.
    Validation steps - XPLG Update Validation
    Note: if the patch is not listed or any other error is listed when verifying, please contact support@xplg.com


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