Adding a LogSync Task
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Adding a LogSync Task

The LogSync task enables synchronizing a single or multiple logs directories from remote XpoLog to another XpoLog, and automating their execution using a scheduler. This feature should be used when you want to create an image of a directory or multiple directories content (logs and/or binaries) on another XpoLog.

Configuration of a LogSync task requires specifying a connectivity account to the remote XpoLog machine created , see Creating an Account - Remote XpoLog.

Configuration of a LogSync task for synchronizing multiple single log directory or multiple logs directories to XpoLog requires specifying the path to an XML-based LogSyc Configuration file, which contains the configuration for the synchronization from multiple servers and/or directories to XpoLog. For a detailed explanation on creating the XML-Based LogSyncConfiguration file, see below.

To add a LogSync task:
  1. Open the Tasks console (see Tasks), and click the New Task button
    In the XpoLog Manager homepage, under More Actions, click Add Task.
  2. In the page that opens, select the LogSync option, and then click Continue.
    The LogSync Task page opens.
  3. In Name, type the name of the new task.
  4. In Description, type a description of the new task; optional.
  5. Under Details tab:
    1. Use a synchronization configuration file , and in Configuration file path, type the full path name to the LogSync configuration file or browse to it.
    2. Create Configuration, while synchronization takes place, XpoLog can also create configuration on all the logs which were synchronized under the Folders and Logs panel so all logs will be available for view and search in the XpoLog console. Check the 'create configuration' check-box if you wish to automatically add logs to XpoLog, and select/create a parent folder under which all synchronized logs from this task will be placed. 
  6. To automate task execution, open the Schedule tab, and configure the scheduler as described in Scheduling a Task.
  7. Click Save.
    The Add LogSync task is saved.

When right clicking the LogSync task the following options are available:

  1. Execute - Run the task.
  2. Edit - Edit the task.
  3. Duplicate - Duplicate the task.
  4. Delete - Delete the task.
  5. Force Log Sync (All) - Force the LogSync task to re-sync all files that were deleted from the repository but still exist on the remote sources related to this task. The re-sync will take place during the next task execution.
  6. Force Log Sync (Checksum mismatch) - Force the LogSync task to re-sync only files that a checksum mismatch was found between repository to source. The re-sync of these files will take place during the next task execution.
  7. Reconstruct Configuration (displayed only if 'Create Configuration' is defined in the task) - Force the LogSync task to re-create missing Folders and Logs configuration, based on the structure of the repository. The reconstruction will take place during the next task execution.
  • In case you are running XpoLog cluster with more than one processor, an option will be presented to determine which of the processors is assigned on the execution of the LogSync task.

LogSync XML Based Configuration 

<SyncLogsRepository repositoryDirectory="C:\xplgshare\logSyncTest" timeToKeep="7" />
<SyncLogsNode repositoryDirectory="profiler">
<Account classKey="xpolog.eye.media.remote.RemoteXplgAccount" name="XPOLOG Profiler"/>
<SyncLogsDirectory syncDirectory="C:\logSyncTest" directoriesToInclude="" directoriesToExclude="" filesToInclude="" filesToExclude="" subdirsScanLevel="">
<SyncLogsDirectory syncDirectory="C:\logSyncTest\zip3">
<SyncLogsNode repositoryDirectory="2" key="MY_KEY">
<Account classKey="xpolog.eye.media.remote.RemoteXplgAccount" name="XPOLOG Profiler"/>
<SyncLogsDirectory syncDirectory="C:\logSyncTest\logs\Zip1" directoriesToInclude="" directoriesToExclude="" filesToInclude="" filesToExclude="" subdirsScanLevel="">


  The following table describes the general structure of SyncLogsConfiguration. 

Tag PathMandatory/OptionalDescription
SyncLogsConfiguration/SyncLogsRepository MandatoryThe repository tag
SyncLogsConfiguration/SyncLogsNode MandatoryA single log synchronizatoin node configuration
SyncLogsConfiguration/SyncLogsNode/RemoteMandatoryContains the Remote XpoLog Account details to which with the directories will be synched.
SyncLogsConfiguration/SyncLogsNode/Remote/AccountMandatoryMandatory as XpoLog should connect to a Remote XpoLog server (See: Creating an Account)
SyncLogsConfiguration/SyncLogsNode/SyncLogsDirectoryMandatoryConfigure the remote path to synch with the local XpoLog

 XML Reference

SyncLogsRepository Parameters

repositoryDirectory Mandatory

The name of the root folder that will be synced with he content of the remote sync log directories.



OptionalTime to keep the synched data on the repositoryString


<SyncLogsRepository repositoryDirectory="C:\xplgshare\logSyncTest" timeToKeep="7" />

CheckSum Parameters

algorithmMandatoryThe algorithm to use to calculate the checksumMD5/SHA-1
enabledOptionalDetermines whether to activate checksumtrue/false
intervalMandatoryThe frequency that checksum will be calculated


retryAttemptsMandatoryThe number of times that XpoLog will try to re-synchronize a file in case of a checksum validation failure before alerting


mailRecipientsOptionalThe list of recipients that will be alerted in case of a checksum validation failuresemicolon separated list of email addresses

* The Checksum definition can be placed inside a specific SyncLogNode tag to be applied on that specific node, or inside the SyncLogsConfiguration tag to be applied globally on all nodes



<Checksum interval="2m" algorithm="MD5" mailRecipients="ops@xpolog.com" enabled="true" retryAttempts="1" />

SyncLogNode Parameters

repositoryDirectory Mandatory

The name of the folder within the repository to which remote directory from this node will be synced into

 String - path
keyOptionalThe SyncLogNode unique key 


<SyncLogsNode repositoryDirectory="profiler">

Account Parameters

 classKeyMandatoryThe account class to use String
 nameMandatoryThe Remote XpoLog account name/ID to use String (case sensitive)

Remote Account Example

<Account classKey="xpolog.eye.media.remote.RemoteXplgAccount" name="XPOLOG Profiler"/>

SyncLogsDirectory Parameters

 syncDirectory MandatoryThe directory on the remote XpoLog Node that will be synchronized into the SyncLogNode repository directory String - path
repositoryDirectoryOptionalThe name of the folder within the repository to which remote directory from this node will be synced intoString


OptionalDefine which directories to include in the log sync scan:
Using wildcard: Apps* - include all directories whose name starts with Apps
Using a regular expression: regexp:\d\d\d\d-\d\d\-\d\d - include all directories whose name is a date, for example 2013-11-26


OptionalDefine which directories to exclude from the log sync scan:
Using wildcard: Apps* - exclude all directories whose name starts with Apps
Using a regular expression: regexp:\d\d\d\d-\d\d\-\d\d - exclude all directories whose name is a date, for example 2013-11-26 


OptionalDefine which files to include in the log sync scan:
Using wildcard: *.log,*.txt - include all files whose name ends with .log or .txt
Using a regular expression: regexp:\w+\.log - include all files whose name is constructed of word characters only and ends with .log, for example helloWorld.log


OptionalDefine which files to exclude in the log sync scan:
Using wildcard: *.zip,*.gz - exclude all files whose name ends with .zip or .gz
Using a regular expression: regexp:\w+\.tar\.gz - exclude all files whose name is constructed of word characters only and ends with .tar.gz, for example helloWorld.tar.gz


OptionalNumber of sub-folder depth to scanNumber
timeInterval/timeIntervalUnit OptionalThe task will synchronize only files with last updated time that is within the specified time intervalyears, months, weeks, days, hours, mins


<SyncLogsRepository repositoryDirectory="/home/LOGS_REPOSITORY/" timeToKeep="7" />
<Checksum interval="2m" algorithm="MD5" mailRecipients="ops@xpolog.com" enabled="true" retryAttempts="1" />
<SyncLogsNode repositoryDirectory="Tent">
<Account classKey="xpolog.eye.media.remote.RemoteXplgAccount" name="Tent"/>
<SyncLogsDirectory syncDirectory="C:\configurations\4.5_Build\log\" directoriesToInclude="regexp:\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d" directoriesToExclude="*temp*" filesToInclude="" filesToExclude="" subdirsScanLevel="">
<SyncLogsNode repositoryDirectory="RedHat">
<Account classKey="xpolog.eye.media.remote.RemoteXplgAccount" name="RedHat"/>
<Checksum interval="2m" algorithm="SHA-1" mailRecipients="ops@xpolog.com" enabled="true" retryAttempts="1" />
<SyncLogsDirectory repositoryDirectory="xpolog-logs" syncDirectory="/root/xpolog45/log" directoriesToInclude="" directoriesToExclude="" filesToInclude="" filesToExclude="" subdirsScanLevel="">
<SyncLogsDirectory repositoryDirectory="OS-logs" syncDirectory="/var/log/" directoriesToInclude="" directoriesToExclude="" filesToInclude="" filesToExclude="" subdirsScanLevel="" timeInterval="1" timeIntervalUnit="days" >


Configuration Parameters on synchronized Logs

The configuration parameters are relevant only if the Create Configuration option is selected. XpoLog will scan the repository to add all relevant logs.
It is possible to add <scanConfiguration> tag either globally (above all <SyncLogsNode> tag) or individually by placing it internally in a <SyncLogsNode>.

Using Proxy XpoLog for Log Synchronization

It is possible to use a remote XpoLog as a proxy to synchronize logs from remote agents which are managed by a remote XpoLog and not directly by the current XpoLog that executes the task.

  • To do so add the account(s) of the remote XpoLog before the 'SyncLogsNode' tags.
    The following example will synchronize logs from the directory 'C:\logs\' on the 'Agent 1' machine, where 'Agent 1' is not a direct agent of the current XpoLog, but an agent connected to 'Remote XpoLog Master1' and 'Remote XpoLog Master2':

<SyncLogsRepository repositoryDirectory="/home/LOGS_REPOSITORY/" timeToKeep="7" />
<Checksum interval="2m" algorithm="MD5" mailRecipients="ops@xpolog.com" enabled="true" retryAttempts="1" />
<Account classKey="xpolog.eye.media.remote.RemoteXplgAccount" name="Remote XpoLog Master1"/>
<Account classKey="xpolog.eye.media.remote.RemoteXplgAccount" name="Remote XpoLog Master2"/>
<SyncLogsNode repositoryDirectory="Agent 1">
<Account classKey="xpolog.eye.media.remote.RemoteXplgAccount" name="Agent 1"/>
<SyncLogsDirectory syncDirectory="C:\logs\" directoriesToInclude="" directoriesToExclude="dump" filesToInclude="" filesToExclude="" subdirsScanLevel="">


  • It is also possible to define the <ProxyRemote> inside an individual <SynchLogNode>:
    The following example will synchronize logs from the directory 'C:\logs\' on the 'Agent 1' machine, where 'Agent 1' is not a direct agent of the current XpoLog, but an agent connected to 'Remote XpoLog Master1' and 'Remote XpoLog Master2'. In addition, it will synchronize logs from the directory '/root/xpolog45/log' on the 'Agent 2' machine, where 'Agent 2' is a direct agent of the current XpoLog (no proxy has been defined for it):

<SyncLogsRepository repositoryDirectory="/home/LOGS_REPOSITORY/" timeToKeep="7" />
<Checksum interval="2m" algorithm="MD5" mailRecipients="ops@xpolog.com" enabled="true" retryAttempts="1" />
<SyncLogsNode repositoryDirectory="Agent 1">
<Account classKey="xpolog.eye.media.remote.RemoteXplgAccount" name="Remote XpoLog Master1"/>
<Account classKey="xpolog.eye.media.remote.RemoteXplgAccount" name="Remote XpoLog Master2"/>
<Account classKey="xpolog.eye.media.remote.RemoteXplgAccount" name="Agent 1"/>
<SyncLogsDirectory syncDirectory="C:\logs\" directoriesToInclude="" directoriesToExclude="dump" filesToInclude="" filesToExclude="" subdirsScanLevel="">
<SyncLogsNode repositoryDirectory="Agent 2">
<Account classKey="xpolog.eye.media.remote.RemoteXplgAccount" name="Agent 2"/>
<SyncLogsDirectory repositoryDirectory="xpolog-logs" syncDirectory="/root/xpolog45/log" directoriesToInclude="" directoriesToExclude="" filesToInclude="" filesToExclude="" subdirsScanLevel="">