Set up user authentication with LDAP
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Set up user authentication with LDAP

This section describes how to use Active Directory for authenticating users with the LDAP server.

The LDAP settings include:

  • General
    • Initial context factory 
    • Provider URL – the connection URL to the LDAP server (you can use several URLs to multiple LDAP servers separated by a space).

  • Manager Settings (optional)
    • Manager Path – the manager DN for searching users
    • Manager password – the manager’s password
  • Search Settings
    • Root path the path for starting to search users.
      In case there's a need to search user's information from multiple domains, it is required to enter [ALL DOMAINS] in root path of the LDAP configuration
    • Search filter how to search the users in the LDAP directory; the {0} is replaced with username.
    • User path  full path of the user DN; the {0} is replaced with username. For example: uid={0},ou=people,cn=xplg
    • Unique id attribute  optional; which attribute of the user will be provided as the unique id of the user.
    • Display name attribute  optional; which attribute of the user will be provided as the display name of the user.
  • Further Settings
    • Group id pattern
    • Groups attribute
To configure Active Directory authentication:
  1. In Provider URL, type the URL to the active directory server – ldap://ACTIVEDIRECTORYSERVER:389/  (for several LDAP servers enter a space separated list of URLs)
  2. In Search Filter, type sAMAccountName={0}{0} is replaced with the username.

  3. In User path, type USER_DOMAIN\{0}, where USER_DOMAIN is the domain of your users.
  4. In Unique id attribute, type sAMAccountName.
  5. In Display name attribute,type displayName.
  6. In Groups attribute, type memberOf.
  7. Click save.
    The LDAP configuration is saved.