Rollback XpoLog
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Rollback XpoLog
XpoLog Rollback is an operation which returns the configuration to an earlier state, it may be required if there was an undesired configuration change, unintended removal of an object, etc.
XpoLog stores a daily backup of all its configuration and keeps the last 30 days backups.
Note: it is critical to stop all XpoLog nodes while performing a roll back.
In order to perform a rollback follow the steps below:
The entire configuration is managed in the EXTERNAL_CONFIGURATION_DIRECTORY, if it exists. If not, it is found in the INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY.
- Stop XpoLog Service
- IMPORTANT: prior to performing a rollback, it is highly recommended to store the current configuration state of XpoLog:
- Go to the EXTERNAL_CONFIGURATION_DIRECTORY/ and rename conf directory to conf.current
- Go to the EXTERNAL_CONFIGURATION_DIRECTORY/collection/ and rename conf directory to conf.current
- Go to the EXTERNAL_CONFIGURATION_DIRECTORY/temp/backups/ and unzip the desired backup file from the date you wish to roll back to.
- A collection and conf directories will appear. Copy the unzipped collection and conf directories to EXTERNAL_CONFIGURATION_DIRECTORY/
- Start XpoLog Service