com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'html' is unknown.

Creating a New Policy

From the Security > Policies console, Administrators can create new policies in XpoLog.

A policy defines the actions that a user or group that is assigned this policy, can perform. All actions, all XpoLog actions, all actions of specific components (categories) (such as Analytics, Reports, and more), or specific actions can be permitted under a specific policy. Selecting a parent component automatically permits all the components underneath it. 

Defining a policy without selecting any permissions defines a View Only permission for folders and logs, and no permission for all other components in XpoLog.

To create a policy:
  1. In the Policies console, click Add Policy.
    The Policy Settings console opens. 
  2. In Policy name, type a name to identify the new policy.
  3. In Display Name, type the name that is to be displayed across the system.
  4. In Description, type a description of the new policy; optional.
  5. Under Permissions List, select the checkboxes of components or actions that are permitted to users of this policy
  6. Click Save.
    The Operation done page appears, with the message:"Policies operation ended successfully". 
  7. Click ok.
    The Policies console opens, with the newly added policy under the Policies list.