Plan a Deployment

Plan a Deployment

This topic explains the steps required to plan and install XPLG in your environment. High level actions you need to consider and/or perform are listed below.

Steps to start with:

  • Review the system requirements in order to decide which XPLG you need (Windows/Linux/Solaris), decide whether a cluster is required, ensure required ports are opened, etc.

  • Install XPLG server/cluster. The main questions to ask are what is the daily logs volume and what the concurrent number of users is.
    Note: Although in small environments (less than 10GB/Day), it might be sustainable to a single XPLG process for processing and search, it is highly recommended that you run the processor process on a dedicated instance and the UI process on a dedicated instance when managing higher volumes. For more information about deployment server sizing, read system requirements.

  • Review and configure the relevant post installation recommendations

  • Configure log sources as detailed in the Administrator Guide. Suggested procedure is described below:
    Determine your remote configuration needs. Questions to ask include:

    • What types of sources do I need to connect to? For example: direct access, databases, SSH, etc. to plan required connectivity to the sources.

    • Within each source type, what characteristics dictate the configuration needs? For example: machine type, geographic location, etc.

    Determine how to group your sources to best fit your needs. You can group source by applications, machines, or any other criteria that make sense for your deployment topology. A source may be a member of multiple groups. For example, source A might be a member of Application A, under the North America folder, and source B might be a member of the Application B, also under the North America folder.
    The Applications and Folders structure in XPLG form the basis for easy navigation and hierarchy management of sources in XpoLog. These tags also enable users to easily manage and execute tag oriented dashboards, searches, and monitors (defined on folder, log, server or application).

  • Create detailed log templates for your main log types in advance. Note that you may update templates any time later on as well.


Once you've completed this planning and initial configuration process, you can start adding data to XPLG platform from multiple sources in the environment as detailed in the Administrator Guide.

Please read this topic thoroughly before starting a deployment, if you have any questions or concerns don't hesitate to contact XPLG Support Teammake sure you preform complete tests on your staging environment before deploying or updating XPLG in production.

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