order by

order by


Orders the complex search results according to the specified column and in the specified direction.


order by [Result_Column_Name] [asc,desc]

Required Arguments


Syntax: character string

Description: The column name according to which the complex search results are to be ordered.

Optional Arguments


Description: Indicates the direction of the ordering of the complex search results - in ascending or descending order of the column name value.


Orders the complex search results according to the specified column in the specified direction - ascending or descending order. If no direction is specified, orders in ascending order.


Example 1:  

* in log.access | count,start time, end time, time | group by client ip | order by time desc

Calculates the count, start time, end time, and time of the events in log access, groups the events by client ip, and displays them in descending order of the time