XPLG Homepage

XPLG Homepage

Initial access to XPLG, the homepage is displayed. The homepage can also be accessed any time, by clicking the XPLG logo on the top left side of the screen.

In case a dashboard was defined as the home page it will be displayed. If not, by default, XPLG displays the 'Add System' page.

The main elements of the XpoLog homepage are described in the following table:





Tab Bar

On the left side, Apps, Search, and Analytics tabs. On the right side, the Manager tab:


Applications tab: Clicking this tab opens the Apps console (see XPLG Apps).
Search tab: Clicking this tab opens the Search console (see XPLG Search).
Analytics tab: Clicking this tab opens the Analytics console (see XPLG Analytics).
User Name | Logout: Displays the current logged in user. Provides options to activate/deactivate product tours, contact support and logout (displayed only if Security is active).
White / Dark Theme: A button that determines the display theme (white/dark) per user selection.
PortX icon (right hand side): Clicking this icon opens the Manager's (Administration) console (see PORTX).

XPLG logo - return to homepage

Notification Bar

A notification area with a red background, which includes important system notifications is displayed if necessary.
For example cases of insufficient storage, license expiration, slowness, etc.

Main Pane

Displays the dashboard that the system administrator configured to be displayed on the homepage, or default 'Add System' page if not. Each XPLG user can define the dashboard that appears on their homepage. See set a dashboard as the system home page


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