7.8050 - Release Notes

7.8050 - Release Notes


  • Enhanced PagerDuty integration for monitors alerting (send custom JSON alert).

  • Automatically add monitors queries with risks to Analytics/LogX engines.

  • Fix permissions on Folders and Logs view restrictions.

  • Data Archiving - replaced current archive mechanism to increase efficiency and automatically create on the file system an identical structure of directories and files as XPLG Folders and Logs structure.

LogX - A new out of the box application for automatic log analysis and monitoring.

XPLG LogX automatically identifies and alerts on complex insights found in log data.

  • LogX was fine-tuned for logs, observability, security, apps, and IT data based on comprehensive research and algorithmic breakthrough.

  • LogX create a unique profile for each log event, this profile is then aggregated into a new data model with systems behavior profiles, complex risk patterns, and more.

  • LogX detects anomalies and clustering Insight within those new data models. LogX meets today's Apps, DevOps, IT, CI/CD, and Cloud architecture which are subject to frequent changes with this new ML/AI paradigm.

After the latest update is deployed, go to Apps > Marketplace and deploy LogX.

LogX includes some very interesting analyses and new capabilities:

  • Top errors trends.

  • Errors/logging anomalies.

  • New errors (unique errors identified in the data compared to other days).

  • Removed Errors (errors that were seen before in the data but are no longer seen).

  • Data steams statistics and anomalies.


Contact us for a demo.


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