Expanding/Collapsing Events
Events that span over more than a single line or are very long, are followed by an Expand Events icon.
XpoSearch enables you to view the detailed information of a single event, or to open at the click of a button, all events that have more than a single line or very long definitions. This feature makes it possible for you to expand an event to trace its cause.
To expand all events:
In the Events toolbar, click the Expand Events icon.
The entire event information opens. The toolbar icon changes to the Collapse Events icon, enabling you to later close the event information.
To expand a single event:
At the end of an event that has an Expand Event icon, click the icon.
The detailed information of the event opens. The icon changes to the Collapse Event icon, enabling you to later close the event information.
To collapse all events:
In the Events toolbar, click the Collapse Events icon.
The detailed information of all events close. The toolbar icon changes to the Expand Events icon, enabling you to later reopen the detailed information of all the events.
To collapse a single event:
At the end of the event that has a Collapse Event icon, click the icon.
The detailed information of the event closes. The icon changes to the Expand Event icon, enabling you to later reopen the detailed information of the event.