

The implementation of AppTag is optional in XpoLog Center, and is used mainly for data enrichment.

An AppTag is a logical tagging of different elements that exist in XpoLog Center. The AppTag definition includes a set of static parameters that describe the application, and a set of the members that compose the application, such as folders, logs, accounts, dashboards, or anything else that is configured in XpoLog.

The AppTags console enables administrators to enrich the data with logical groupings by defining the AppTags that participate in the log. These AppTags can include data from multiple logs or servers. The AppTags console presents all the AppTags defined in XpoLog and enables administrators to create new ones, and modify and delete existing AppTags.

The implementation of AppTags has the following advantages:

  • Search can be run at the AppTag level. For examples: 

    • ERROR in apptag.<appl name>

    • ERROR in app.<appl name>

  • In Analytics, can see analysis according to AppTags (I.E. Applications).

  • Security can be managed at the AppTag/application level. Users who enter the application under an AppTag context can only view the members under that AppTag definition.

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