Management Console for Cloud Accounts

Management Console for Cloud Accounts

Address Book is used for adding accounts for connecting to sources of logs. Logs or log directories from these sources can then be added to XpoLog. Some of the account types that can be added are dedicated to one source, such as SSH, which is connected to one machine that can have many logs. However, there are also three cloud accounts that can be added – Google App Engine, Amazon Web Services, and Hadoop. These accounts, which are encased in a cloud, manage many applications that have many logs. For these cloud accounts that can access large quantiites of data in many logs, XpoLog provides separate Console Management for integration to cloud (big data).  Based on these cloud accounts, data can be added to XpoLog from the clouds accessed through these accounts.

To integrate to the cloud:
  1. In XpoLog Manager, in the menu, select Administration  > Cloud.
    The Cloud and Big Data Configuration Management console opens for managing the cloud accounts.