Managing Active Filters

Managing Active Filters

In the Augmented Search Pane, under Active Filters, are listed all the filters that were added to your original search query, based on an event or a detected problem.

You can remove a filter from the search query, by removing it from the Active Filters list, and you can also restore the original search query.

Removing a Filter From the Search Query

Removing the filter from the Active Filters list removes it from the search query, and automatically runs the search with the resulting query. 

To remove a filter from the search query:
  • In the Augmented Search pane, under Active Filters, click the Remove Filter icon adjacent to the filter that you want to remove.
    The filter is removed from the Active Filters list, and the resulting search query runs. 

Resetting the Search Query

You can restore a search query to its original state, regardless of the number of filters that have been added to it.

To reset a search query:
  • In the Augmented Search pane, under Active Filters, click Reset.
    The Active Filters list closes, the original search query is restored, and automatically runs.