Change Dashboard Time Frame

Change Dashboard Time Frame

By default, when displaying a dashboard all widgets will be loaded on the default time frame that was defined for each widget.
In order to modify the time frame, click the  icon and select the time frame to be applied on the dashboard. Several options are available:

  • Default = the default time frame that was configured for the dashboard

  • Last = last <selected_unit> from the actual execution time. For example last 1 day = from the current time until 1 day ago

  • Previous = previous <selected_unit> referring to the actual execution time. For example previous 1 day = yesterday midnight to midnight

  • Today = Displays shortcuts to different fixed units

  • Date Range = Customized specific time frame

  • Live = Near real time execution of the dashboard - all widgets will be cleared and will display current results, the widgets will be continuously updated while the dashboard is open

  • Custom Time = Custom Last/Previous values

All widgets will be reloaded according the selection. Click  the  icon again to modify or 'Default' to restore to default time.