Dashboard Inputs

Dashboard Inputs

Users Inputs provide an interface for users to supply values that effect widgets search terms in a visual form. Typically, the inputs are displayed in a checkbox, text area, dropdown menus or radio buttons. 

The forms allow users to visually make selections which impact the underlying searches and focus only on points of interest while viewing dashboard's results. In order to configure inputs please refer to the Dashboards Settings in the Administrator Guide.

Inputs form (if available) is displayed at the top of a dashboard, select/configure values of interest in the inputs form and click Apply, the dashboard will be reloaded displaying the correspondent results:


Example I: Checking the 'INTERNAL ERROR' checkbox and clicking Apply reloads the dashboard where widgets display the results filtered with INTERNAL ERROR only


Example II: Specifying specific sources (servers in this example) and 'Day' granularity and clicking Apply reloads the dashboard where widgets display the results from the selected servers only and on daily basis granularity.


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