Setting up Winlogbeat Frowarder
Setting up Winlogbeat Frowarder
- The machine requires Java 1.8 running prior to setting Winlogbeat.
Important Notes:
- Winlogbeat can run in parallel to Filebeat on the same Windows machine and its only usage is for Windows Events Logs.
- If you are running Windows XP, you may need to download and install PowerShell.
- If script execution is disabled on your system, you need to set the execution policy for the current session to allow the script to run.
For example:PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy UnRestricted -File .\install-service-winlogbeat.ps1
. - winlogbeat service should be manageable from the services.msc.
- Any change in the winlogbeat.yml configuration file requires restarting the winlogbeat service
To download and install Winlogbeat, enter the designated machine as a local Administrator and follow these guidelines:
- Download and Install Java JRE 1.8 HERE. If the machine already runs Java 1.8 you may skip this part. Otherwise download Java and upon completion restart the machine.
- To verify that the installed Java is 1.8 go to Control Panel> Java> About & check the version number.
- Download the winlogbeat (for windows 64-bit) zip file from this LINK
- Extract the contents of the zip file into C:\Program Files.
- Rename the winlogbeat-<version>-windows directory to Winlogbeat
- Configure Winlogbeat. To configure Winlogbeat data forwarding to logstash, modify the file C:\Program Files\Winlogbeat\winlogbeat.yml.
- Make a copy of the original winlogbeat.yml as winlogbeat.yml.orig.
- Replace the original winlogbeat.yml with the following attachment: winlogbeat.yml
- Edit the config file winlogbeat.yml and locate the Logstash output section
The output configuration is set as follows: hosts: ["HOST_THAT_THE_LOGSTASH_IS_INSTALLED_UPON:5044"]
Set the IP/HOST of the logstash and save.
For example: hosts: [""]
- Install Winlogbeat as a service. Setting the service must be done only after completing the configuration. Open a PowerShell prompt as an Administrator (right-click the PowerShell icon and select Run As Administrator).
- Run the command: cd 'C:\Program Files\Winlogbeat'
- Run the command: .\install-service-winlogbeat.ps1
- If you are running Windows XP, you may need to download and install PowerShell.
- If script execution is disabled on your system, you need to set the execution policy for the current session to allow the script to run.
For example:PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy UnRestricted -File .\install-service-winlogbeat.ps1
. - winlogbeat service should be manageable from the services.msc.
- Any change in the winlogbeat.yml configuration file requires restarting the Winlogbeat service (defined by default at the path C:\Program Files\Winlogbeat).
- To run Winlogbeat manually enter via PowerShell as Administrator to C:\Program Files\Winlogebeat and run: .\winlogbeat.exe -c .\winlogbeat.yml
- If you are running Windows XP, you may need to download and install PowerShell.