Maximizing Log Viewer
Maximizing Log Viewer
Upon opening the Log Viewer, the Log Viewer is displayed in the main pane, and the menu is displayed in the left pane. You can maximize the Log Viewer over the entire width of the screen.
To maximize the Log Viewer:
In the top-left corner of the Log Viewer, click the Maximize button.
The left pane is hidden, and the Log Viewer is displayed on the entire screen.
The Maximize button becomes a Minimize button.
Restoring Log Viewer to Normal View
You can restore the maximized Log Viewer to its normal view.
To restore the Log Viewer to its normal view:
In the top-left corner of the Log Viewer, click the Minimize button.
The left pane is open, and the Log Viewer is displayed in the main panel.
The Minimize button becomes a Maximize button.