Filtering Records According to Record Field Value

You can filter all the records displayed in the Log Viewer, according to the selected field value of a record. For example, right-clicking the Process Id field value of 1506 in Syslog, and clicking Filter, displays all records containing 1506 in the Process Id field, and highlights the value in the filtered records.

To filter records according to a record field value:

  • In the Log Viewer, right-click the field value according to which you want to filter all records of the log, and in the menu that appears, click Filter.

  • The filter value is displayed in the box adjacent to the GO button.

  • The records having the selected value appear in the Log Viewer, with the filtering criteria highlighted in yellow in each record in the Log Viewer.

Running a Composite Filter

Once you have run a filter on records in the Log Viewer, the Composite Filter feature becomes available for running a filter on two or more fields of a record. The composite filter enables specifying whether the filtered records should contain all field values (AND) or at least one field value (OR). For example, right-clicking the Process Name field value of popa3d in a record resulting from the filtering example above, and clicking Composite Filter > AND displays all records from the log file that contain both 1506 in the Process Id and popa3d in the Process Name field, whereas clicking Composite Filter > OR displays all records from the log file that either contain 1506 in the Process Id field or popa3d in the Process Name field.

To run a composite filter according to a record's field values:

  • In the Log Viewer, right-click the field value according to which you want to run the composite filter, and in the menu that appears, click Composite Filter > AND or Composite Filter > OR.
    The composite filter is displayed in the box adjacent to the GO button.
    The records having the selected value appear in the Log Viewer, with the filtering criteria highlighted in yellow in each record in the Log Viewer.