Configuring Connection Policies

Configuring Connection Policies

In the Connection Policies tab of the general settings, you can configure the default SSH account connection policy that is to be applied on any SSH account in XpoLog. This  determines the default behavior of SSH activity between XpoLog and remote UNIX machines.

To configure connection policies:
  1. Go to the XpoLog Manager left navigation panel Data > SSH Connection Policies OR Security > Authentication > Connection Policies.

  2. In Connection pool timeout interval, type the allowed period of connections inactivity before a pool is closed, selecting minutes or hours as the unit of time. Type 1 and select Minutes to close the pool as soon as possible. Default: 5 minutes.

  3. In User session timeout interval, type the allowed period of user inactivity before a log is closed, selecting minutes or hours as the unit of time. Leave blank for unlimited inactivity period. Default: unlimited.

  4. In Number of connections allowed to remote machine, type the allowed number of connections to a remote machine (default: unlimited). Leave blank for an unlimited number of connections.

  5. In Number of sessions allowed per connection, type the number of sessions that can be opened using the same connection. Default: 7

  6. In Number of pooled sessions allowed, type the number of sessions that can be pooled. Leave blank to disable session pooling.
    Note: Session pool is required only if there is a relatively high number of log types on a single remote servers (>50) - in that case if there will not be enough allowed sessions to manage all logs from the server in parallel a pool will optimize the process. Furthermore, some machines may block connectivity from XpoLog when sessions will constantly be opened from XpoLog for collecting data, in such cases pool is recommended. For most common cases this is not required.

  7. Click Save.
    The Connection Policies settings are saved. 


Recommendation: In general XpoLog requires 3 sessions to process a single log type from a remote server. I.E. a limitation of 10 connections (7 sessions each) will be sufficient to process about 25 log types from a remote server which should be sufficient for most cases.