SQLite Database

SQLite Database

In order to add a table from SQLite Database as a log source to XpoLog follow these steps:

JDBC Driver

1. Download the driver from here
2. Go to XpoLog Manager > Tools > Address Book, Add New Database Account.
3. In the Database Types screen, click the 'Upload Driver' button and select the JDBC jar file and click the 'Upload' button.

Database account

1. Go to XpoLog Manager > Tools > Address Book, Add New Database Account. 
2. Select 'Other' as the Database Name.
3. Required details:

  • Name

  • Description

  • Driver Name should be left default (org.sqlite.JDBC)

  • Connection String - relevant connection string in order to connect to your instance. The template for the connection string should be: jdbc:sqlite:sqlite_database_file_path.
    In case that the instance is installed in remote server, please use full UNC path to the .db file.

  • Username - the user name that will be used for authentication

  • Password - the password that will be used for authentication

  • Database Type - should be set to other.

4. Save the account and click on the 'Verify' button to verify the connectivity.
If verification fails - ensure all the details are accurate.
5. Once connectivity is verified it is possible to add tables as log source from this database