Email Alert

Email Alert

Sends an email alerts to a list of users (make sure you have configured the required mail settings in XpoLog). 
Note: The e-mail list should be formatted correctly in e-mail format, not Outlook format, since this format is not supported.

Email Alert Advanced options:

  • Data Attachment it is possible to add to the email alert the following:

    • Append event to end of email body: add to the email body the latest log event that triggered the alert in the current execution 

    • Attach a dashboard: attach to the email one of the existing Dashboards

    • Attach matched events as: attach to the email all the records which triggered the alert in the current execution as a files from one of the available types CSV / Tab Delimited / XML

      • Check to zip the attached file: in case 'Attach matched events as' is checked - determine whether the attachment will be zipped or not.

    • From Email Address it is possible to customize the 'From' email address (by default the system email address will be used).
      Note: XpoLog sends email alerts in HTML format, therefore use the HTML <br> element produces a line break in text in the email body.