Basic Task
XML Sync Configuration Documentation
The task should be configured in an XML file that stores all the desired configurations of the sync process. Below are the available options and parameters for the configuration.
Synced Data Target: Allocate a file system or S3 bucket repository where XPLG can sync data and maintain it.
Add Remote Flux/PortX Account(s): Configure accounts representing Flux instances that have access to the sources.
The general XML structure for the sync configuration is as follows:
<SyncLogsRepository repositoryDirectory="..." timeToKeep="..." />
<SyncLogsNode repositoryDirectory="...">
<Account classKey="" name="..."/>
<SyncLogsDirectory syncDirectory="..." directoriesToInclude="" directoriesToExclude=""
filesToInclude="" filesToExclude="" subdirsScanLevel="" />
XML Reference
SyncLogsRepository Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory/Optional | Description | Values |
| Mandatory | The absolute path of the root directory for syncing data. | String |
| Optional | Time (in days) to retain synced data in the repository. | Number (days) |
<SyncLogsRepository repositoryDirectory="/mnt/FluxRepo/" timeToKeep="30" />
Checksum Parameters
The checksum configuration can be defined globally in the <SyncLogsConfiguration>
tag or for specific nodes in the <SyncLogsNode>
tag. Note that enabling checksum on large files may affect performance.
Parameter | Mandatory/Optional | Description | Values |
| Mandatory | Algorithm used to calculate the checksum. | MD5, SHA-1 |
| Optional | Activates checksum validation. | true/false |
| Mandatory | Frequency of checksum calculation. | m (minutes), h (hours), d (days) |
| Mandatory | Number of retries for checksum validation before alerting. | Number |
| Optional | Email addresses for checksum failure alerts. | Semicolon-separated email list |
<Checksum interval="30m" algorithm="MD5" mailRecipients="" enabled="true" retryAttempts="3" />
SyncLogsNode Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory/Optional | Description | Values |
| Mandatory | Directory within the repository to sync data into. | String |
| Optional | Unique key for the SyncLogsNode. | String |
<SyncLogsNode repositoryDirectory="Data-Server-1">
<Account classKey="" name="data-server-1"/>
Account Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory/Optional | Description | Values |
| Mandatory | The account class to use. | String |
| Mandatory | The name of the remote Flux account to use. | String (case-sensitive) |
<Account classKey="" name="data-server-1"/>
SyncLogsDirectory Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory/Optional | Description | Values |
| Mandatory | Source directory on the remote Flux node to sync data from. | String (path) |
| Optional | Directory within the repository to sync data into. | String |
| Optional | Include directories using wildcards (e.g., | String |
| Optional | Exclude directories using wildcards or regex. Use lowercase names. | String |
| Optional | Include files using wildcards (e.g., | String |
| Optional | Exclude files using wildcards or regex. | String |
| Optional | Depth of sub-folder scanning. | Number |
| Optional | Time interval for file updates to be synchronized. | Number |
| Optional | Unit of the time interval (years, months, weeks, days, hours, mins). | String |
<SyncLogsDirectory repositoryDirectory="logs" syncDirectory="/opt/app1/data/"
directoriesToInclude="temp" directoriesToExclude=""
filesToInclude="*.pdf,*.log,*.zip" filesToExclude="*.gz" subdirsScanLevel="10">
Complete Example
<SyncLogsRepository repositoryDirectory="/mnt/FluxRepo/" timeToKeep="30" />
<Checksum interval="30m" algorithm="MD5" mailRecipients="" enabled="true" retryAttempts="3" />
<SyncLogsNode repositoryDirectory="data-server-1">
<Account classKey="" name="data-server-1"/>
<SyncLogsDirectory repositoryDirectory="logs" syncDirectory="/opt/app1/data/"
directoriesToInclude="temp" directoriesToExclude=""
filesToInclude="*.pdf,*.log,*.zip" filesToExclude="*.gz" subdirsScanLevel="10" />
<SyncLogsNode repositoryDirectory="data-server-2">
<Account classKey="" name="data-server-2"/>
<SyncLogsDirectory repositoryDirectory="OS-logs" syncDirectory="/var/log/"
directoriesToInclude="" directoriesToExclude=""
filesToInclude="" filesToExclude="" subdirsScanLevel=""
timeInterval="1" timeIntervalUnit="days" />