Quick Actions
The Quick Actions section in the left pane of the XpoLog homepage provides shortcuts to the XpoLog features described in the following table:
Action | Description |
Log Viewer | Opens the Log Viewer console, from which you can perform all the actions described in Log Viewer. |
Log Monitor | Opens the Monitor console for creating a log monitor, search monitor, or monitor group; editing or deleting an existing monitor; executing a monitor, or viewing a monitor's results (see Log Monitor). |
Reports | Opens the Reports console for viewing defined reports or report results;editing, duplicating, generating, or deleting existing reports; creating new log or log group reports (see Reports). |
Analytics | Opens the Analytics console, which you can analyze and perform actions, as described in XpoLog Analytics. |
Search Engine | Opens the XpoSearch console, from where you can perform simple and complex searches on log files, as described in XpoLog Search. |
Log Collection | Opens the Log Collection console, for defining a new Log Collection, Folder Collection, or Syslog Collection; editing or deleting an existing collection; executing or stopping a collection. |